It’s a Breeze in Easy English Times
Idiom lessons by IAB in EET “These lessons will help you use more colorful English in your life. Idiom by idiom, you will find speaking English less difficult and more fun. You might even find speaking English ‘a breeze.’” -It’s a Breeze book description Idioms certainly have acquired a notorious reputation among English language learners. Even for native speakers, few English expressions seem...
Read MoreEasy English Times newspaper remains a great resource
Source: Easy English Times ESL students can read news, stories and Compelling Conversations “Newspapers always excite curiosity. No one ever puts one down without the feeling of disappointment.” ―Charles Lamb (1775-1834) English writer There’s no denying the value of an engaging newspaper: it keeps us connected to important events and people’s stories, with additional room for various graphics...
Read MoreDwell in Possibility: Discussing Books Enlivens ESL Classes
“A word is dead when it is said, some say. I say it just begins to live that day.” Emily Dickinson Cheap pleasures can sometimes be the most satisfying. Reading, an activity that often costs nothing, falls into that category. Reading provides many pleasures and many insights. So does talking about reading. Following a December ritual, I’ve been reviewing the year and find many...
Read MoreDo You Use Newspapers in Your English Class Yet?
Newspapers tell us the news, and inform us about how today is different from yesterday. They provide us with some clues and some information to help us better understand our rapidly changing world. They arrive at our homes, on our laptops, and in our libraries. But what about our English classrooms? How often do you use newspapers in your ESL classes? Newspapers allow students to expand their...
Read MoreWhat is Your American Dream?
What is your American Dream? This remains one of my favorite questions to ask new immigrants and American citizens. I asked that question, followed by, “why” in a regular column for Easy English Times this month. I gave the last words to Toni Morrison, the Nobel-Prize winning author. “The function of freedom is to free somebody else.” Easy English Times, published in California, ran an ESL...
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