Compelling Conversations Series
Compelling Conversations: Questions and Quotations on Timeless Topics from authors Eric H. Roth and Toni Aberson is a fluency-focused text are based on lessons that Eric created for his ESL students at Santa Monica College. It is the first book in the Compelling Conversations series. Feedback and praise from students and teachers around the globe inspired the rest of the series to meet the varied needs of English language learners.
In Summer 2012, Chimayo Press released Compelling American Conversations: Questions and Quotations for Intermediate American English Language Learners. This edition primarily caters to the needs of Intermediate students with an emphasis on American English, American cultural literacy and democratic values. A Teacher Edition was published in the summer of 2015.
Recent additions to the Compelling Conversations series include culturally-specific titles for both Japanese and Vietnamese English Language Learners respectively. Moving forward, the publishers are planning a sub-series of books tailored for the workplace, focused on occupation-specific interactions and conversational etiquette. The first title, Compelling Conversations for Fundraisers, was published in June 2016.