Trinity Bustria
Trinity Bustria is an aspiring classicist and ESL teacher and materials writer. The California-born educator majored in Liberal Arts (with a concentration in East Asian Religions and Languages) at the University of the West—a private, Buddhist-affiliated university—where he graduated as valedictorian (magna cum laude) and delivered a commencement speech in 2019. Trinity intends to pursue doctoral degrees in Classical Studies and East Asian Languages and Cultures. His desire to pursue doctorates in these fields stems from his passion for history and culture and goal of developing comprehensive curricula and educational materials that facilitate East-West dialogue via engaging the timeless wisdom of Greek, Latin, and Classical Chinese literature.
Trinity’s Korean and Chinese restaurant jobs have given him opportunities to employ language acquisition methods and techniques to learn some Korean and Mandarin. Additionally, he has taught English to Korean and Chinese elementary-high school students at a Korean-style cram school.
Trinity is also a materials writer for Chimayo Press, an ELT educational publisher. His passion for language learning and teaching has enabled him to effectively assist international students from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong develop and deepen their American English. He is currently conducting research for a publication on common, “good” mistakes made by Chinese English-language-learners.