It’s a Breeze in Easy English Times
Idiom lessons by IAB in EET
“These lessons will help you use more colorful English in your life. Idiom by idiom, you will find speaking English less difficult and more fun. You might even find speaking English ‘a breeze.’”
Idioms certainly have acquired a notorious reputation among English language learners. Even for native speakers, few English expressions seem logical. It’s a Breeze by Toni Aberson seeks to make learning idioms easier and more fun. Recently, we’re pleased that the Easy English Times has featured the book’s lessons in its issues and will continue to do so for the time being.
Easy English Times remains a valuable resource to have in the classroom for beginning and intermediate language learners. Editor Lorraine Ruston and Publisher Betty Malmgren compile newsworthy articles, stories and activities focusing on ESL, adult literacy and citizenship. Naturally, I’m pleased Compelling Conversations grabs a spot in every issue and on the website! If you haven’t subscribed yet, I recommend emailing to request a free sample copy.
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