Q&A with Dennis Hackin, Hollywood writer about Android Roy
Hollywood writer Dennis Hackin and three-time Chimayo Press author, has always possessed a passion for writing, prolifically producing plays, movies, novels, and poems since the age of eight. Hackin’s Bronco Billy was adapted into a movie starring and directed by Clint Eastwood in 1980. His latest novel Android Roy is Chimayo Press’ first science fiction title. 1. Where did the...
Read MoreChimayo Press presents Android Roy by Dennis Hackin
Chimayo Press, publisher of Compelling Conversations books, branches out to sci-fi “What is consciousness? What is all this? Why do I think? And then you look at computers and computers think–are we programming the computers or are they programming us?” -Dennis Hackin Hackin poses these philosophical questions in describing his inspiration behind his latest novel, Android Roy, a Chimayo...
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