Do you use Teachers Pay Teachers Yet?

“They know enough who know how to learn” – Henry Adams (1838-1918), historian Where do millions of dedicated teachers find affordable, readymade lessons? What if you could reap real benefits from all of your original supplementary classroom materials? Why haven’t we done this sooner? Exciting news, readers: Select chapters of Compelling Conversations and Compelling American Conversations (with...

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Compelling Conversations – Japan Focuses on Fluency and Authentic Communication for Japanese English Language Learners

“The most important thing we learn at school is the fact that the most important things can’t be learned at school.” ~Haruki Murakami (1949- ), Japanese author     Do your English students want to speak more English? Do you currently teach Japanese English language learners? Are you looking for an engaging, fresh EFL conversation book to guide your English students...

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CATESOL Accepts ESL Teacher-Author’s Panel; I Will Give Two CATESOL Presentations

When it rains, it pours. So goes the classic proverb. This week has been quite rainy and cold in Los Angeles, but I’m feeling warm inside. Why? CATESOL 2010 state conference has accepted a second proposal where I will be one of the presenters. CATESOL, the California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, state convention will include a panel on ESL teachers who have published their...

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