Reading Pleasures and Conversation Starters

A new semester begins, new students enter our classes, and returning colleagues greet us. What can talk about that will go beyond the work-related activities? Books. Teachers, especially English teachers, love to talk about their summer reading. Reading remains a cheap pleasure and an excellent conversation starter. * Can you recommend a good book? * What did you this summer? * What are reading...

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Reading Pleasures and Tastes Adapted for Easy English Times Column

Easy English Times, an adult education newspaper for English language learners published in California, adapts a chapter from Compelling Conversations each month. The editors selected “Reading Pleasures”, one of my favorite chapters, to run in their November-December issue. Since Easy English Times focuses on the needs of beginning and intermediate ESL students, the editor selects...

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Conversation Starter #10 – Can you recommend a good book?

Converse with a teacher, student or stranger about books “No two persons ever read the same book.” -Edmund Wilson (1895-1972) American writerBooks and literature still matter in our 21st century global culture of blogs, especially for starting conversations. In the past few days, I have had three engaging, satisfying conversations with strangers about books. How? Is that a good book?...

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