The Fall 2016 Chimayo Press Catalog is here!

Are you looking to create a more fluency-focused curriculum for your ESL/EFL class this fall? Do you seek new, engaging communicative activities to encourage more class discussions? Is teaching English students to ask better questions and create more meaningful conversations on your agenda? Are you looking for some creative ESL homework assignments? Would you like to spark small group discussions in your English classes? Chimayo Press may have an ESL or EFL textbook for you!
We’ve updated our catalog with two new Compelling Conversations titles: a second edition of Compelling Conversations – Vietnam, and Compelling Conversations for Fundraisers. We’ll also introducing two exceptional ELT textbooks by USC Assistant Professor J.J. Polk, my friend and colleague at the USC American Language Institute: English in Global Contexts: Proficiency Tasks for Aspiring Learners and English Questions: Practice Drills in All Active Tenses. Both little-known ELT titles deserve a much larger audience and far more recognition.
Chimayo Press is an independent educational publishing company committed to publishing niche books that create compelling conversations, deepen relationships and celebrate the human spirit. We launched in 2005 with one advanced level English as a Second Language (ESL) book – Compelling Conversations: Questions and Quotations on Timeless Topics – from authors Eric H. Roth and Toni Aberson. This fluency-focused ESL textbook has blossomed into an international series for English language learners and their dedicated English teachers in over 50 countries. The ESL/EFL series includes conversation books for American immigrants, international students, Japanese English language learners, and Vietnamese learners of English.
For the latest on both our new and old titles, you can download Chimayo Press’s Fall 2016 catalog, for free, here. I am also pleased to announce that the full catalog, along with five featured books, will be at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October. Consider me psyched to reach new readers and start more compelling conversations!
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About the Author
Eric H. Roth teaches international graduate students the pleasures and perils of academic writing and public speaking in English at the University of Southern California (USC). He also consults English language schools on communicative methods to effectively teach English. Roth co-authored Compelling Conversations: Questions and Quotations on Timeless Topics in 2006 to help English language learners increase their English fluency. Recommended by English Teaching Professional magazine, the advanced ESL textbook has been used in over 50 countries in English classrooms and conversation clubs. Easy English Times, an adult literacy newspaper, has published a monthly column, “Instant Conversation Activities,” based on the book since 2008. The first specific version for a particular country, Vietnam, was published in 2011. Compelling American Conversations came out in 2012, and Compelling Conversations – Japan arrived in 2015. Eric enjoys sharing reflections, resources, and teaching tips on this #ESL #EFL #ELT blog.