An ESL Author Looks at an ESL website with New Eyes

Sometimes we don’t see what is in front of our eyes. Today I learned a bit more about my own website from a fellow English teacher and friendly fan. A gentleman from Tennessee called my home, thanked me for the sample conversation materials, and asked some insightful questions about the updated Compelling Conversations website. I appreciate his call – and his giving a practical...

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Compelling Conversations site is up and running again!

Sometimes you don’t appreciate something until you lose it. My website, down and out for almost a week of tech turmoil as I changed server, host, and webmaster, demonstrates this point. The site, , has been restored and even slightly upgraded. The check out system, for instance, takes consumers directly to Paypal – saving time and reducing hassle. The...

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We learn by stumbling

Modern mishaps can illuminate traditional proverbs. One website goes down, essays get lost, and the email gets blocked for a few days. Frustration mounts.  I recall the Bulgarian proverb, “we learn by stumbling.” I cool down, take a breath, and try to appreciate the process of resurrecting a modern communications miracle (website) and move an evolving blog. How’s it going?...

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Word Lovers and World lovers Can Visit FreeRice.Com

Free Rice rewards learning through food donation “The satiated man and the hungry man do not see the same thing when they look upon a loaf of bread.” -Rumi (1207-1273), Persian poet As the price of rice, corn, and other basic food staples increased daily and food riots return to the headlines, we might want to reflect on ways to help the world’s poorest poor. One way that English teachers,...

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