Tutoring English Students on Speaking Skills? Set Clear Expectations!

Why setting clear expectations as an English tutor is important “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” ―Tony Robbins (1960- ), American motivational speaker Are you tutoring English students on speaking skills? How do you effectively teach speaking skills to a English language learner as a private tutor? What will you actually do for 60-120 minutes together?...

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Authentic Conversations vs Crazed Crowds in Slumdog Millionaire and The Wrestler

Have you seen Slumdog Millionaire yet? What about the Wrestler? Both of these outstanding films offer many poignant scenes, powerful performances, and excellent dialogue. Both movies should collect at least a few Oscars tonight. Yet one often overlooked feature of both films remains their depiction of the allure and danger of crowds. A mob scene, fueled by religious hatred, leads to a brutal...

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