Teaching Matters: How adult ESL students can learn like children again

  “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.” ~Marie Curie (1867-1934), Polish physicist and chemistry pioneer   How do people learn their first languages? What are some barriers to learning a second? Finally, how can we, as ESL educators, bridge the gap between them? Educator Robert William McCaul, writing for the British Council’s Voices Magazine,...

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Tutoring English Students on Speaking Skills? Set Clear Expectations!

Why setting clear expectations as an English tutor is important “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” ―Tony Robbins (1960- ), American motivational speaker Are you tutoring English students on speaking skills? How do you effectively teach speaking skills to a English language learner as a private tutor? What will you actually do for 60-120 minutes together?...

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Worksheet – or Cheat Sheet – for English Teachers to Observe Conversations and Lead Class Discussions

What do you do while students are having conversations or talking in pairs? Do you have a “formula” for taking notes? Do you focus more on fluency or accuracy? Many English teachers, especially novice ESL instructors, talk more than ideal – and allow their English students to talk too little. Ironically, many ESL instructors make this “good mistake” because they are...

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