Conversation Tips: The Power of Paraphrasing

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” ―Albert Einstein, (1879-1955) German physicist  Paraphrasing matters in conversation too ― especially when learning a new language! Experienced English teachers know that students must learn paraphrasing skills to complete academic writing assignments. Likewise paraphrasing remains a vital skill for English language...

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Teaching the difference between ‘make’ and ‘do’ for English Language Learners

What do you do? What do you make? How do you clarify the significant difference between “do” and “make” for your ESL students? These simple words cause lots of confusion for English language learners. Both intermediate and advanced English language learners struggle with the difference between “make” and “do”. We have so many different idioms and expressions that use...

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Paraphrasing is an Essential Conversation Skill!

Why English teachers should not overlook the importance of paraphrasing “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” ―Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German physicist Paraphrasing matters in conversation too-especially when learning a new language! Experienced English teachers know that students must learn paraphrasing skills to complete academic writing assignments....

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Enjoying Easy English Times and Exploring the EET Website

“In every curving beach, in every grain of sand, there is the story of the earth.” Rachel Carson (1907-1964), biologist and environmentalist The mailman brought the “Summer Fun” issue of Easy English Times yesterday, and it made me smile. It’s another wonderful issue of ESL student essays, teaching tips, and classroom exercises for English language learners. The editors also...

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