Do you match? How do you know? Bringing Realism to Relationship discussions in ESL Classrooms

Are you romantically involved? Do you match your partner? How do you know? Who will you choose to share your life with? Are you considering marriage? Are you already married? Use these questions as a springboard to reflect on your options, choices, and desires on this Valentine’s Day. Here is chapter #33 from Compelling Conversations that many friends have told me is better for native...

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English Teaching Professional Strongly Recommends Compelling Conversations!

Consider my global soul satisfied this morning! English Teaching Professional, a glossy magazine for ESL teachers and language school directors, gave a glowing review and strong recommendation to Compelling Conversations: Questions and Quotations on Timeless Topics. “In sum, Compelling Conversations is a recommended resource for teachers who want to make their conversation classes more...

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Do You Feel Rich Enough? What’s the Standard?

Talking about money remains problematic, but this conversation topic is more for self-reflection than classroom application. But please bear with me. How rich are you? How much money would satisfy you? Americans, and many other people in consumer societies, sometimes seem to be pursuing a moving mirage of material happiness. The luxuries of one year become the perceived necessities the next...

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What New English Words Will You Learn in 2009?

What new English words will you learn in 2009? Which English words will you teach? Do you have a way with words? Are you a lover of word trivia and origins? Are you an English teacher? If so, consider listening to the celebrated public radio show in 2009! Forget forcing students to memorize boring vocabulary lists. Get your English students engaged in the story of English words, their origins,...

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What Are Reasonable Standards for Listening Comprehension and Speaking Skills for ESL Students?

Tough question! Context, as ever, matters. Looking for a clear, detailed chart to evaluate the speaking skills of your students? Check out the practical chart with ten categories for listening comprehension and speaking skills developed by the United States Office of Refugee Resettlement and revised by the Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning. Where did I find it? As so often, I went to...

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