How Do You Use Compelling American Conversations in Multilevel ESL Classes?
“People have one thing in common: they are all different.” ~Robert Zend (1929-1985), American writer Compelling American Conversations provides an invaluable resource for teachers in the common situation of teaching multilevel adult ESL classes with ongoing enrollment. ESL teachers with multi-level classes must plans lessons that address the needs of the new students constantly entering...
Read MoreEnglish Teachers Confront the Billion-Person Question
“How can rural Chinese students develop their listening and speaking skills with very limited opportunities to speak with actual native speakers in person?” This question remains the billion person question! English language learners across Asia – in China, Thailand, and Vietnam – and the entire globe – confront this profound problem. As somebody who has only taught English for a...
Read MoreDwell in Possibility: Discussing Books Enlivens ESL Classes
“A word is dead when it is said, some say. I say it just begins to live that day.” Emily Dickinson Cheap pleasures can sometimes be the most satisfying. Reading, an activity that often costs nothing, falls into that category. Reading provides many pleasures and many insights. So does talking about reading. Following a December ritual, I’ve been reviewing the year and find many...
Read MoreExploring Cities in ESL Classrooms
Cities attract the young, the strong, the ambitious, and the hungry. Millions move from countryside and across the globe to live in new cities every year. Cities provide jobs, culture,and education. Cities are exciting. Yet, sometimes danger also lurks in cities. Do you like living in cities? Which cities have you visited? Which cities you found most satisfying? Why? Teaching English in Los...
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