EF reports decline of French EPI

Declining EPI attributable to lack of exposure Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons “French students report lower levels of exposure to English in everyday life than any other Europeans polled. Exposure to a foreign language has been found repeatedly to be one of the strongest contributors to increased fluency.” -EF Report Education First (EF), an international education company, compiled its third...

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Compelling Conversations

Compelling Conversations: Questions and Quotations on Timeless Topics Compelling Conversations, an innovative English as a second language textbook, helps advanced English language learners develop conversation skills and improve fluency by sharing experiences, reflecting on their lives, and discussing proverbs and quotations. The Compelling Conversations book includes 45 thematic chapters, over...

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English Teachers Confront the Billion-Person Question

“How can rural Chinese students develop their listening and speaking skills with very limited opportunities to speak with actual native speakers in person?” This question remains the billion person question! English language learners across Asia – in China, Thailand, and Vietnam – and the entire globe – confront this profound problem. As somebody who has only taught English for a...

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ESL classes should include more conversation activities!

Conversation activities need greater presence in classrooms “Speech is civilization itself. It is silence which isolates.” -Thomas Mann (1875-1955) German novelist Conversation remains a vital social skill for our English students. Naturally, immigrants and international students want to fully participate in their schools, their jobs, and their communities. Speaking clearly in...

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