Compelling American Conversations – Teacher Edition Comes Out!

“Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource.” ~ John F. Kennedy (1917-1963), 35th President of the U.S.   Are you a teacher looking for fresh tips to flip your classroom discussions? Do you ever wish the Teacher Edition of your textbook was more adaptable to your classroom needs? Chimayo Press, an...

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Teaching Interview Skills Vital for Adult ESL, University Students

How can English teachers encourage adult and university students to expand their language skills and improve their employment opportunities in a difficult economic climate? Personally, I’ve slightly modified my oral skills course this semester to provide greater emphasis on interviewing skills. Students interviewed each other for 10-15 minute videotaped mock job interviews for their first...

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Do you match? How do you know? Bringing Realism to Relationship discussions in ESL Classrooms

Are you romantically involved? Do you match your partner? How do you know? Who will you choose to share your life with? Are you considering marriage? Are you already married? Use these questions as a springboard to reflect on your options, choices, and desires on this Valentine’s Day. Here is chapter #33 from Compelling Conversations that many friends have told me is better for native...

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Exploring Cities in ESL Classrooms

Cities attract the young, the strong, the ambitious, and the hungry. Millions move from countryside and across the globe to live in new cities every year. Cities provide jobs, culture,and education. Cities are exciting. Yet, sometimes danger also lurks in cities. Do you like living in cities? Which cities have you visited? Which cities you found most satisfying? Why? Teaching English in Los...

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