It’s A Breeze: Now available on Teachers Pay Teachers!

Let’s “learn the ropes” of English – idiom by idiom!
Exciting news, English teachers: All seven, thematic units of Chimayo Press’ It’s A Breeze are now individually available on our Teachers Pay Teachers store!
Written for high school ESL students and adult English language learners in the United States, It’s A Breeze improves their vocabulary and cultural literacy. The comfortable pace, unit quizzes (with answer keys) and an index of American idioms and expressions make this unique text comfortable for both classroom use and self-study.
Each chapter explores a single genre-specific American idiom in connection with the overall unit theme. Provided with clear definitions, sample sentences, short readings, comprehension checks, and more, students will find speaking English less difficult and more fun – even “a breeze.”
Our TPT store features over 25 (and counting!) comprehensive, fluency-focused lessons and bundles for your classroom needs. The collection currently includes select chapters from Compelling Conversations and Compelling American Conversations, with additional series content coming soon.
All 42 of It’s A Breeze’s short lessons are available in full through both Amazon and Createspace. We also encourage you to check out the following sample chapters. Each is free to download for classroom use!
For sample chapters from our other titles, click here.
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About the Author
Eric H. Roth teaches international graduate students the pleasures and perils of academic writing and public speaking in English at the University of Southern California (USC). He also consults English language schools on communicative methods to effectively teach English. Roth co-authored Compelling Conversations: Questions and Quotations on Timeless Topics in 2006 to help English language learners increase their English fluency. Recommended by English Teaching Professional magazine, the advanced ESL textbook has been used in over 50 countries in English classrooms and conversation clubs. Easy English Times, an adult literacy newspaper, has published a monthly column, “Instant Conversation Activities,” based on the book since 2008. The first specific version for a particular country, Vietnam, was published in 2011. Compelling American Conversations came out in 2012, and Compelling Conversations – Japan arrived in 2015. Eric enjoys sharing reflections, resources, and teaching tips on this #ESL #EFL #ELT blog.