Resource Round-up: ESL Garage on YouTube

   “If I’ve learned nothing else, it’s that time and practice equal achievement.” —Andre Agassi (1970 – ), American former world-champion tennis player Do you teach Vietnamese English language learners? Is pronunciation a common obstacle in your classroom? If so, we highly recommend the ESL Garage channel on YouTube. Produced and presented by Teresa...

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Resource Round-up: Stay a step ahead with EdTechTV

“My podcast focuses on the crossroads of education and technology and explores practical ways to merge the two.” -Brent Warner, host of EdTechTV and co-author of Compelling Conversations – Japan Are you looking for more fun and informative resource to help you find the best ed tech resources for your English language classes? Are you seeking honest, concise reviews on the...

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Resource Round-up: Easy English Times

 “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.” -Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), American statesman and 3rd President of the United States Are you seeking an informative, practical resource to help improve your beginner/intermediate ESL students’ reading comprehension skills? If so, we highly recommend Easy English Times....

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Review: How to Have More Engaging Conversations in Everyday Life

“Confidence contributes more to a conversation than wit.” – Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), French writer How can we help English language learners in the U.S. have more long-lasting, compelling conversations with native speakers? Sometimes it can be difficult to transition from small talk to a more personal, in-depth conversation. Feelings of intimidation, or...

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Review: How to Have More Engaging Conversations in Everyday Life

“Confidence contributes more to a conversation than wit.” – Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), French writer How can we help English language learners in the U.S. have more long-lasting, compelling conversations with native speakers? Sometimes it can be difficult to transition from small talk to a more personal, in-depth conversation. Feelings of intimidation, or...

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