Express Yourself: Discussing Quotations to Form Opinions
Embed from Getty Images “There is always hope when people are forced to listen to both sides.” John Steward Mill (1806-1873), British philosopher Many people experience difficulties finding their voice, let alone finding it in another language. How do we create compelling conversations? We ask more so we know more. Then we can share more. Sometimes we also hear or read other words by famous...
Read MoreConversation Tip #5: Search for common interests
Finding commonalities sparks conversations Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons “Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” -Albert Camus (1913-1960), French novelist and Nobel Prize winner We can learn a great deal from our conversations, even about our own interests and hobbies! Finding a...
Read MoreDwell in Possibility: Discussing Books Enlivens ESL Classes
“A word is dead when it is said, some say. I say it just begins to live that day.” Emily Dickinson Cheap pleasures can sometimes be the most satisfying. Reading, an activity that often costs nothing, falls into that category. Reading provides many pleasures and many insights. So does talking about reading. Following a December ritual, I’ve been reviewing the year and find many...
Read MoreDoes Teaching English Open Minds in Closed Societies? – Part 1
Does teaching English open minds in closed societies? Are repressive governments “right” to fear the spread of English? Can the mania for learning English destabilize a rigidly controlled nation? In short, are dictators smart to jam the radio broadcasts of Voice of America, censor the Internet, and control textbooks in English programs? Will the worldwide fashion for learning English...
Read MoreHappy New Decade! How Will We Change? Will We Discuss Change in Our ESL Classes?
As the decade ends, this 2008 Did You Know videofor a Sony conference seems more relevant than ever. With quick factoids and fast edits, it shows how radically our world is changing. How do we prepare students for a world full of new technologies, new jobs, and new challenges? 2008 Sony Conference Video on Change Did you notice how dated this celebration of technological possibilities felt with...
Read MoreDo you match? How do you know? Bringing Realism to Relationship discussions in ESL Classrooms
Are you romantically involved? Do you match your partner? How do you know? Who will you choose to share your life with? Are you considering marriage? Are you already married? Use these questions as a springboard to reflect on your options, choices, and desires on this Valentine’s Day. Here is chapter #33 from Compelling Conversations that many friends have told me is better for native...
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