Reflections from Fourth of July, Independence Day
Source: Wikipedia Commons Drawing inspiration from the American holiday “I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” ―Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), Principal author of the Declaration of Independence and Third U.S. President Every year Americans celebrate the Fourth of July in honor of the Declaration of Independence and the eventual...
Read MoreAsk Your English Students to Review TED.Com videos – and Create Compelling Conversations
How can you encourage your advanced ESL students to develop their speaking skills and tap their interest in our rapidly changing world? Create compelling classroom assignments that respect their intelligence, engage their curiosity, and model great speaking skills. Let your students be hunters, gathers, and presenters of new information to their classmates! Adding a homework assignment that...
Read MoreDo You Really Use Youtube in Your EFL Classes? How?
Do you use You Tube in Your EFL classes? How? Absolutely! Like so many other English teachers, I begin teaching with student interests and habits in mind. Of course, I also want to take them from the old and familiar to new and unfamiliar while improving their English language skills. You Tube remains a powerful classroom tool to achieve that goal. I’ve used YouTube to have students...
Read MoreTeaching Themes Emerge at CATESOL: Use Technology To Meet Student Needs
Do ESL teachers want a more democratic classroom? Perhaps the workshop description discouraged English teachers, the title seemed too bold, or the other two dozen workshops held at the same time appeared more practical. Techniques and Methods for a More Democratic Classroom A more democratic classroom encourages student speech, features student created content, allows student choice of...
Read MoreLet’s Talk About the American Elections, Voting, and Democratic Values in English Class
Who makes the rules? Who chooses the rulers? Can citizens peacefully replace ineffective, unpopular leaders? Yes, we can! In the United States of America, voters enjoyed their opportunity to hire and fire their President. People voted, machines counted the votes, and millions of people around the nation smiled, laughed, and felt hopeful again. Senator Obama, as so often, captured the power and...
Read MoreHow democratic is your ESL classroom?
Who gets to speak in class? Whose ideas count? Who chooses the assignments? How do students receive feedback? Do students have a chance to conference with their instructors? Can YouTube be a valuable source for homework assignment? Do you want your students to become self-directed – or autotelic – in their studies? Here’s a quick checklist that ESL teachers that I created for a...
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