Bronco Billy
Based on the 1980 motion picture directed by and starring Clint Eastwood, Bronco Billy is an ace sharpshooter and head of Bronco Billy’s Wild West Show, a down-at-the-heel traveling circus. Life’s been hard for Billy and his ragtag troupe. But their luck might change – in the unlikely person of a highfalutin society dame.
One reviewer recently wrote: “This slim book celebrates American individualism, personal redemption, and the American West. Written during the dismal days of economic pressure back in 1979, this book speaks to me today as millions of Americans seek to re-invent themselves and help rebuild the United States. Celebrating American western myths and confronting harsh economic realities, Bronco Billy finds a way to charm and cajole an odd collection of misfits into creating a traveling Western cowboy show – and become who they really want to be. For Americans who have considered plans b,c, and d, this novel whispers possibilities even greater than imagined. Read this tale of redemption and creation! Click here to view a sample chapter.
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Publication Date: October 2012
Author: Dennis Hackin
eISBN: 978-0-9826178-7-8